Time For Another Interlude
Over the past couple of weeks while waiting for the weather to warm up for fiberglassing the canoe, I had the chance to work on the SOF kayak. I’ve actually pretty much finished the frame and just need to set aside some time for sewing the nylon skin. There were several little things that I did to the frame to get it ready. In no particular order:
1. cut out the coaming base plate, riser and rim, and fiberglass the rim for extra support and longetivity
2. add extra supports for the coaming base and station behind the coaming where a lot of weight will be put on when getting in and out of the boat
3. putting small decks on the bow and stern, and filling the ends with some hardwood, then shaping to a smooth round nose
4. adding 1/4" thick and 1" wider station in front of the coaming because I thought my initial station was a bit weak
5. epoxied foot rests on to the chines
And voila! pretty much ready for the skin