
The Liberals Are Toast

Doug Smith
This Reuters Article pretty much says the Liberals are done for. I can’t say I disagree with them, the Liberal’s campaign has been a mess.

Traffic, scooters, daycare and sourgrapes

Doug Smith
Having previously owned a couple of motorcycles and now using a motor scooter for commuting, I’ve noticed some things about the people I share the roads with: a lot of people are sourgrapes and hate knowing that someone is getting a better deal than them.

Canadian Values

Doug Smith
Darrel Reid is the kind of MP candidate (he’s from Richmond BC) that scares me. To be honest, I don’t know much about him.

Two memories from the 2004 election

Doug Smith
Two things really stuck with me from the 2004 election campaign, and I still think about them today. The first thing I always remember is how Paul Martin emphasized that “free votes” do not protect minority rights.

What is Martin thinking?

Doug Smith
Yesterday I watched some of the debate that took place in Vancouver. I can’t believe Martin keeps talking about how he is banning handguns.

National Daycare Blunder

Doug Smith
Well, Scott Reid really put his foot in his mouth, didn’t he? He came across as a pompous jackass, showing a great distrust in Canadians.