Holy pooparama batman, I almost feinted yesterday. Yup, I went to buy a book and the Canadian price was $18.95 compared to the $16.
I took my first steps in over 6 weeks today. I was helped along with a crutch (just one, since I can’t put any weight on my other arm) and the help of the physiotherapist.
We finally decided on getting a used Toyota Corolla. The decision actually wasn’t too hard in the end, once we were able to clearly define our wants and needs.
I’m checking out the prices of some new and used cars. Each model that I’m looking at qualifies for the BC Provincial PST rebate of $1000 and the federal Ecoauto rebate of $1000.
yeah, it’s another boring post on the NAS saga. Who knows, maybe someone reading this will actually learn something useful.
What a day. First I had to fix the internet (props out to the Cisco crew, thanks for the help!), then reactor #3 went offline, and to top it off I had to put the kids to bed.
I got FreeNAS up and running without too much work started to transfer some files to the new share I created.
Since we have two computers at home and because I’m a bit of a computer geek (or glutton for punishment), I’ve started looking into NAS’s.
For Earth Day, 24HRS (a local Vancouver newspaper) ran some articles on the environment. One piece showed 12 ways that a family can reduce their carbon footprint.
Over the past couple of weeks while waiting for the weather to warm up for fiberglassing the canoe, I had the chance to work on the SOF kayak.