Drug Crime Containment

Doug Smith
Our family is lucky to live where we do. Our neighbourhood has a strong community spirit and many of our neighbours have young families with kids the same age as ours.

Gotta zooomr

Doug Smith
I just found out about a file hosting web service called Zooomr. It seems a lot like Flickr (I wonder if they are already getting sick of the comparisons?

Stag 2

Doug Smith
My second stag was much more of an urban affair. Raj Binji-wo organized the event with his usual precision and thought for details.

Stag 1

Doug Smith
The weekend of June 24 was the first of two stags I’ve had. Darcy Mullin and Craig Holm organized the weekend, which was spent in Revelstoke BC.

Last chance to vote. Italy or France?

Doug Smith
I was hoping for a Portugal - Italy final. It would make things interesting here on The Drive. I’m glad that Portugal lost though, their flopping on the ground every time the ball was inside the box was a disgrace.

Sustainable Energy

Doug Smith
Sustainable energy is a huge issue for me, it seems like I am always thinking about it. This is a bit odd, because I had never spent much time learning about sustainable energy.

World Cup Disappointments

Doug Smith
Despite being entertained overall and enjoying some matches, there have been some huge disappointments with this year’s world cup. Firstly, some of the referees have been terrible.