Much to my dismay, Stephen Harper seems to end his speeches with “God Bless Canada”. Some people think that he is deliberately paying homage to George W Bush.
I finished the last butt joints tonight. My last 4 or 6 joints were significantly improved over the first ones. The finishes are smoother and I did them with less work.
Goody, more great news. It appears that my garage door opener opted to open on its own last night. Some nice people decided this meant that my two mountain bikes, cordless drill, drill set, and wrench set were free to to pick up.
Upon reading other people’s experiences with building pygmy kayaks, I’m rethinking the heating situation in the garage. It is becoming more and more apparent to me that I will continue to have difficulties working with the epoxy at the cool temperatures that my unheated garage provides (under 10C).
I finally figured out the best time for doing some work on “green” epoxy. Please note my specific environment. With temperature in the 6-8C range, and using the fast cure epoxy from System Three, I found that 24 hours was just about right.
Here’s some new photos, almost of them are of the kids. No suprise there I guess….
Alexander Ovechkin, after scoring a spectacular goal while sliding on his back, was quoted as saying “I just went down and try shoot and score goal.
Let’s see what good old Rick has to say these days. I bet it’s something funny.
This was written by Thomas Mitchell, and can be found on his website. Here is the link to the article. Enjoy!
Well, I heard from Telus today. They’ve confirmed that I do want “adsl, no local”, which happens to be the appropriate account for what I need.