
Beers, Burgers and an Election

Doug Smith
Not sure how you want to vote for the federal election? Caught between a rock and a hard decision? Or perhaps you think it is an easy decision but there’s some lingering questions in your mind.

Does Harper Deserve It?

Doug Smith
Before Canadians sit down and really think about who they want to be the next Prime Minister, a good exercise for everyone to do is answer the question, “Does Stephen Harper deserve to have a majority government?

Canadian Political Bloggers

Doug Smith
I’ve been trying to find some interesting Canadian political blogs so I can try and catch up on the skinny for the upcoming election (I’m wading through a lot of links and surprised at how many blogs haven’t been updated since 2007).

Early Election?

Doug Smith
There’s a lot of talk about an early election this fall in Vancouver. Harper says the current government is unworkable and ineffective, and therefore an election is needed.

Canadian Values

Doug Smith
I was reading in the paper the other day an article about “Canadian Values”. Specifically, the Fraser Institute was suggesting that new immigrants to Canada should should swear an oath to uplod Canadian Values when they apply for Canadian citizenship.