I’m not one for buying fancy-shmancy house furnishings, nor do I like the thought of wasting money on things that aren’t useful (ie things that aren’t electronic devices).
Want to know why GM and Chrysler need $X00bill and bankruptcy? Because their cars suck. Have you seen one of their new ugly hummer things with a sloped roof like the stupid Avalanche truck that they also sell?
This morning I read several reports on the hazards of using reusable shopping bags. The fears relate to poisoning from bacteria, fungi and microbes.
Regardless of a persons’ thoughts on the Liberal, NDP, or Green parties, and regardless of whether they support the Conservatives, I think it is absolutely critical to Canada that people take the keenest of interest in the environment and encourage the Conservatives to do more than what they are currently proposing.
I came across a couple of articles which expose downright silliness (if you believe the authors to be correct) with the Conservative’s economic plan.
For Earth Day, 24HRS (a local Vancouver newspaper) ran some articles on the environment. One piece showed 12 ways that a family can reduce their carbon footprint.
The BBC reported that Gore will not run for a presidential bid. Too bad for us. I thought it was pretty exciting that someone with drive and passion for such an important issue might run for the US Presidency.
Leading up to the 2006 Federal Election, I wrote this post on Canadian Values which discussed what many consider to be a darker aspect of the Conservative Party.
Sustainable energy is a huge issue for me, it seems like I am always thinking about it. This is a bit odd, because I had never spent much time learning about sustainable energy.